
Today i´m feeling... Prada!

"What does your brand do for consumers? if you´re Apple, you make them more creative, and if you´re Disney, you make them more honest."

O estudo vem publicado no Journal of Consumer Research do próximo mês, e utilizou flashes subliminares para testar o impacto das marcas nos sentimentos e estados de espíritos dos consumidores. E qual o impacto deste estudo para as marcas e para a publicidade?

"The research purports to prove that brands can subliminally inspire or create certain kinds of feelings in consumers... For instance, marketers doing product placement may want to go with shorter exposures rather than longer ones that draw consumers' ire, Or marketers could sell the notion of those positive associations to consumers... All day, every day, we're changing who we are - becoming more honest, becoming more creative -- as the function of the brands that surround us... And that may be the way to change consumers' buying behavior."

Via Adage

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