
"Geração X"

Já todos conhecemos a Geração Y, também conhecidos como "Millennials" ou cá entre nós como "Morangada". Fica aqui um relatório da Yankelovich sobre a Geração X (> 30 - 45 <).


Very vibrant media

There are two ways to navigate the internet: by search and by hyperlink. Business have successfully integrated their brands into search and now can do the same with hyperlinks. Vibrant in-text advertising brings contextually relevant ads to users when they want them and delivers performance metrics that marketers can count on.

Quem ta a empurrar quem? Os novos media a puxar pela criatividade dos clientes? Os consumidores a puxar pela criatividade dos media? Os clientes a puxar pelos criativos?

E os planners? Onde no meio disto?


Insight Goleador

E a Adidas criou mais um Universo.



É legítimo copiar se vende?
Ou é deprimente ter preguiça de inovar?
Ou é indiferente?
Também vao fazer karaoke no Terreiro do Paço?

Brief do Lombo _ Alimenta os Mais Necessitados

Na sequência de uma ideia antiga e o último post do Sérgio, gostava de colocar sobre a mesa a possibilidade de revistas do meio (briefing/marketeer/meios por ordem alfabética) virem a este site semanalmente, retirar o que de mais interessante foi aqui dito. Gostava de ler em qualquer uma destas revistas algo sobre: "Clientes mal-comportados"/"The Economy Is Bringing Out the Worst in People"
Sobre o reembolso/pagamento destas preciosas revelações, pedíamos que fossem feitas doações directamente ao Banco Alimentar (se fosse a outra também não havia problema, mas esta vai com o conceito do Brief do Lombo). Começava aqui o nosso papel social, para além de espalharmos a mensagem e esperarmos que esta tenha efeitos a curto/médio prazo na melhoria da relação com todos no mundo da comunicação (se tiver de ser a longo prazo, já não é mau). E assim o conceito de alimentar os mais necessitados ganha ainda mais força porque alimenta a dobrar os mais necessitados.

Como montamos isto?


"Fluid sculpture"

Fluid Sculpture from Charlie Bucket on Vimeo.

"Clientes mal-comportados"

"The Economy Is Bringing Out the Worst in People"

Individuals (client contacts) you've been accustomed to doing business with for years now behave in erratic ways, making unusual demands of your agency.

Sometimes a client is pushing your agency so low on fees that making a profit is out of the question; just keeping the client becomes the rationale.

Asking the agency to make unethical decisions.

Not paying invoices until your accounting department escalates the situation, and then challenging the invoices.

Demanding that you negotiate unreasonably low prices from your vendors -- or else the client will seek its own vendors and get it done directly, even if the quality of execution is at stake.

A daily flow of tersely worded emails that convey impatience and disrespect.
The CEO overriding the marketing director on creative execution, giving the agency a case of revision whiplash.

Taking the agency's advice on strategy and creative, then abruptly doing an about-face and dictating both. Or else.

Demanding greater transparency on timesheets, all estimates and invoices.
Ignoring standard agency timelines and demanding turnaround at a breathless pace, which often leads to mistakes.

Fonte: Ad Age

Bolas para todos!

Cliente: Mars
Agência: Abbot Mead Vickers BBDO, London


Cosmopolitan Tribalism


"Vejo, logo existo"

"A vida moderna desenrola-se no ecrã (...) A experiência humana é actualmente mais visual e visualizada do que alguma vez antes, desde a imagem de satélite às imagens médicas do interior do corpo humano."

-- Nicholas Mirzoeff, An Introduction to Visual Culture


Acção nos cinemas em França - Genial

Clique aqui.

Via: Messias por outlook...

Glorificando o óbvio

[Via: Meme Huffer]


A diferença entre dizer e fazer

Cada um apresenta o portfolio como quer, mas esta é uma das melhores formas que já vi.

McDonald's Piccadilly Circus

achei mm espectacular!

Stop googling, Start living.

O CEO do Google, Eric Schmidt, numa palestra na Universidade da Pensilvania, incentivou os jovens da plateia a desligarem seus computadores e telefones para viverem um pouco a vida analógica e descobrir o que existe "de humano ao nosso redor". Cool.


Como chamar a atenção

De acordo com o Banksy "If you want an audience start a fight". Ou então metam umas raparigas jeitosas a deambular como vieram ao mundo pelas ruas de Paris.


"It pays to think big"

Uma campanha que eu particularmente gosto bastante da Adam & Eve para o jornal Daily Telegraph.


Open happiness

Maravilha. A versao espanhola é comovente, mas esta fez-me sorrir.

É incrivel como o mesmo conceito leva a 2 coisas tao diferentes. Adorava ver os briefs.

(Mother London)


"Planners united"

A Heather Lefevre, ex-directora de planeamento da Crispin Porter Bogusky e actualmente na DDB Amsterdam está realizar (novamente) um inquérito global sobre as competências, reputação e remuneração dos planeadores.

Participem aqui.


Tabasco | "Streaker"

New Roles in advertising

Partilho aqui o texto de Scott Goodson, da Strawberryfrog, que me foi enviado pelo planner André Galhardo:

"For a long time there have been the same old jobs in advertising. But all of a sudden there are new kinds of jobs out there in advertising which require new kinds of skills. New roles have started to appear in advertising that have not been here before. Like green shoots exploring upwards out of the grey brittle bottom of an age-old pine forest, these new roles have evolved because of what’s happening out there. More modern agencies already have them embedded in their teams, but if you’re thinking of a career in advertising, these new roles will become increasingly important for the industry as a whole.

Digital presence strategist
This person is a hybrid web strategist with curiosity about new technologies and a familiarity with mobility applications. This is not a media strategist or a technologist. This is a new role in the US. These guys have tended to be mostly Nordic because 3G happened there like 10 years ago or Japanese, and more recently British and or other Northern Europeans. This is the role on the rise in advertising. I use the term “advertising” because it’s the only short-hand word that carries the weight of strategic and creative excellence in all media, including digital and brand PR. This is a role on the rise because it is becoming important to have a strategic thinker sitting in the team who understands all the complexities of the social media scene, the mobility scene and all the innovation opportunities out there.

This is an idea generator who has a legacy in the digital space but is broad enough to come up with ideas that live in all media. This person must play across many disciplines. This role will become increasingly important because the emphasis, the value, and the fundamental business model for agencies has shifted away from a focus predominantly on execution to a focus on ideas.

Partnership director

Partnering with ‘best-in-class’ individuals and firms is what enables agencies like StrawberryFrog to leapfrog the traditional legacy corporate agencies. This person’s role is to continuously manage the agency’s partnerships and be able to draw on the world’s best talent, tailored to a client’s specific needs. While all agencies work with outsourced talent in some shape of form (some more openly and overtly than others who hide this fact), this is now becoming a mainstream way of working in the evolving media revolution. And this role will become a mainstay of the best in class firms able to deliver for their clients globally and across many different disciplines.

Social media-whatever
I'm not going to write much on this. But anyone with any expertise in social media has been important for some time now, and this area of expertise will only keep growing.!"


"Big Yarn Ball"


Pink... inches from me in Trafalgar Square!

"Life is for Sharing" depois de em Janeiro terem feito aquela dancinha em Liverpool Street Station agora encheram a Trafalgar Square. Mais um conceito... mais um filão...